The viewpoint at the little colorado river gorge is locatetd in one of the navajo tribal parks in the navajo nation. The tribal park is located east of the grand canyon.
Little Colorado River Gorge in Arizona.

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The viewpoint at the little colorado river gorge is locatetd in one of the navajo tribal parks in the navajo nation. The tribal park is located east of the grand canyon.
Little Colorado River Gorge in Arizona.
There is a viewpoint on both sides of the Marble Canyon. I was standing on the southern viewpoint when I took this panorama.
Viewpoint at the Navajo Bridges
The two Navajo Bridges span Marble Canyon near Lee’s Ferry. The first bridge was constructed from 1927-1929, the construction of the second bridge was completed in 1995.
I was standing on the older bridge and held my monopod in vertical direction right over the railing.
Between the Navajo Bridges over Marble Canyon
In this panorama I was standing right in the middle of the old Navajo Bridge, which spans Marble Canyon.
On the old Navajo Bridge over Marble Canyon.